Mass Notification System for Governments

GovLink is an AI-powered platform for governments of all sizes to communicate with the public.

  • Reach everyone who needs to know during an emergency or crisis.
  • Communicate in up to 100 languages with GovLink's AI-powered translation capabilities.
  • Send targeted notifications to specific groups or individuals based on location, role, or other criteria.
Emergency Wildfire Alert Example
GovLink Animated Globe

Designed for Local and State Governments

A cloud-based, always-on platform that enables government agencies to send bulk notifications via SMS, email, voice, and social media. Reach the public, staff, and other stakeholders quickly and efficiently during emergencies, public health crises, and other critical events.

Replace reliance on traditional communication methods, such as phone trees and email lists, with a modern, AI-powered solution that ensures fast and reliable delivery of notifications to recipients.

  • Supports multi-media, such as images, videos, and documents, in notifications.
  • Configure monitoring alerts and notifications based on pre-defined triggers.


Send life-saving emergency alerts to the public through the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) via mobile devices, TV, radio, and more.

GovLink's IPAWS integration ensures your emergency alerts reach the public via multiple channels including EAS (Emergency Alert System), WEA (Wireless Emergency Alerts), NOAA Weather Radio, and others.

  • Target broadcasts by geographic area. Draw custom shapes directly on a map, ensuring your alerts reach the exact regions you intend.
  • Reach a broad audience quickly with preset templates for common notices.
  • Real-time data dashboards allow for monitoring and reporting on past and active alerts.
  • Comply with federal regulations for emergency alerting and public warning.
Emergency Alert Templates
Emergency Alert Groups

Reach the Public and Staff During Emergencies

Instantly send mass notifications to the public, staff, and decision makers during emergencies, such as natural disasters, security threats, and public health crises.

  • Create groups for quick dissemination of information to specific audiences.
  • Organize contacts by location, role, or other criteria for targeted alerts.
  • Provide real-time updates and instructions to ensure the safety and awareness of all recipients.

Track Delivery Status and Responses

Monitor the delivery status of mass notifications and track recipient responses in real-time.

Demo Screenshot
Demo Screenshot

Receive Tips, Feedback, and Requests

Enable recipients to submit tips, feedback, and requests through secure web portals.

CJIS-Compliant GovCloud Hosting

We host our platform in the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) compliant GovCloud - an Amazon-owned cloud for government workloads.

GovLink's GovCloud hosting ensures that your data is secure and compliant with federal and state regulations.

  • Secure and compliant hosting environment
  • Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access
  • Maintains the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data
GovCloud Hosting

Flexible Pricing for All Government Sizes

GovLink offers a straightforward pricing model. The yearly subscription fee includes unlimited users, 24/7 support, and access to all features. Additional charges apply for usage-based services, such as emails, text messages, voice calls, and file storage.

Usage-based services are billed monthly based on actual usage. The following rates apply:

Emails $0.01 per 10 emails

Text Messages (SMS) $0.02 per message

Voice Calls $0.05 per minute

File Storage $0.10 per GB

Social Media Profiles Included

FEMA IPAWS Alerts Included

Web Portals $50 per month

Local Area Code Phone Number $25 per month

Toll-Free Phone Number $50 per month

We offer volume discounts for high-usage customers. Contact us for more information.

Local Plan

Ideal for small towns and cities.

$1,250 per year

  • Includes 1 Local Area Code Phone Number
  • 3 Web Portals
  • 1 GB File Storage
  • 10,000 Emails per Year
Regional Plan

Ideal for county and regional agencies.

$3,600 per year

  • Includes 3 Local Area Code Phone Numbers
  • 5 Web Portals
  • 5 GB File Storage
  • 50,000 Emails per Year
State Plan

Ideal for state agencies with multiple departments.

$9,600 per year

  • Includes 10 Local Area Code Phone Numbers
  • 100 Web Portals
  • 100 GB File Storage
  • 250,000 Emails per Year

Next Steps to Get Started

Get a free 14-day trial. No payment or obligation required.

  • Verify your agency's eligibility

  • Get a personalized demo

  • Use the trial version of GovLink

  • Upgrade to a paid plan to go live

Who Can Use GovLink?

GovLink is designed for local, tribal, and state government agencies, including:

  • Police and fire departments

  • Public health departments

  • Emergency management agencies

  • Courts, supervision, and corrections agencies

  • Transportation departments

  • Public works departments

  • School districts

  • State agencies

Terms of Service

By using GovLink, you agree to the following terms:

  • You are a government agency or a contractor working on behalf of a government agency.

  • You will not use GovLink for illegal or unethical purposes.

  • You will not share your GovLink account with unauthorized users.

  • You will not use GovLink to send spam or unsolicited messages.

  • You will not use GovLink to send messages that violate the privacy or rights of others.

GovLink reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account if you violate these terms.